Open Access Week
Open Access Week is a global event and an opportunity for the academic and research community to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research. During OA Week the University of Tartu Library has been hosted different events and introduced Open Science services and initiatives.
The University of Tartu Library is once again hosting the global Open Access Week, which aims to introduce and enhance the use and dissemination of open access research information. We invite everyone to explore various services and opportunities that support Open Science both online and at the library in person.
On Wednesday, October 25th, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM, a webinar titled "Data Protection in Research" will take place in Zoom. The first speaker of the webinar, Marten Juurik (ERC/UT), will introduce the guide "Data Protection in Research." Toomas Lepik from Taltech will discuss information security and its connection to research. The final presentation will be given by Manolis Terrovitis (OpenAIRE), who will provide an overview of the anonymization tool Amnesia. The first two presentations will be in Estonian, while the last one will be in English. Please register for the webinar HERE.
Throughout the week, the library will have a traditional information corner open to visitors, providing materials about various open science services, projects and platforms, including:
EOSC (European Open Science Cloud)
Initiated by DataCite Estonia, a newsletter is available, providing researchers with a brief overview of how the libraries of Estonia's major universities can be helpful in meeting open science requirements.
*In the context of the LIBOCS project, the UT Library invites university researchers and staff to participate in citizen science roundtable (on October 25th and November 20th) to engage in discussions and brainstorm ideas on how to create a collaborative network at our university. This network aims to gather information on best practices and strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration. If you would like to contribute, please contact Lilian Neerut (
We invite researchers, doctoral students, and master's students from the University of Tartu who have poster and conference presentations to preserve these at the university's digital archive in DSpace. More information about the campaign for collecting and preserving academic heritage can be found HERE
The University of Tartu Library continues its tradition to introduce opportunities of Open Science by setting up an information desk and organizing the thematic workshops. On the initiative of the DataCite Estonia the Open Access Week will be also celebrate in the libraries of the Tallinn University of Technology, the Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tallinn University.
During the week, the Open Science information desk will be open at the UT Library second floor lobby where you can receive useful information and meet Open Science specialists for consultations (Mon-Fri at 1-3 p.m):
24.10 poster collecting campaign launched
25.10 the LibOCS multiplier event will be held online
- more information about Open Access in UT and Citizens Science
26.10 the workshop „How do you know that there is a global warming?“ will be organised by a UT researcher and environmental activist Madis Vasser
- more information about Open Science and Data Management
27.10 the self-service scanner Bookeye training at 1:15 p.m and 2:15 p.m
- more information about EODOPEN project
- more information about European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
The theme „Open for climate justice“ aims at drawing our attention to the fact that the climate crisis has far-reaching effects and according to UN, the impacts are “not be[ing] borne equally or fairly, between rich and poor, women and men, and older and younger generations”. These power imbalances also affect communities’ abilities to produce, disseminate, and use knowledge around the climate crisis. Openness can create pathways to more equitable knowledge sharing and serve as a means to address the inequities that shape the impacts of climate change and our response to them.
Open Access Week introduces the recommendations of UNESCO to Open Science
The theme of this year's Open Access Week which will be held in the week 25-31 October is “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity.” The University of Tartu Library continues its tradition to introduce opportunities of Open Science by setting up an information desk in the 2nd floor with different materials about Open Science.
This year’s theme intentionally aligns with the recently released UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, of which Open Access is a crucial component. Circulated in draft form following discussion by representatives of UNESCO’s 193 member countries, the Recommendation powerfully articulates and centers the importance of equity in pursuing a future for scholarship that is open by default.
Open Science should embrace a diversity of knowledge, practices, workflows, languages, research outputs and research topics that support the needs and epistemic pluralism of the scientific community as a whole, diverse research communities and scholars, as well as the wider public and knowledge holders beyond the traditional scientific community, including Indigenous Peoples and local communities, and social actors from different countries and regions, as appropriate. (UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, Page 7)
Diversity, equity and inclusion have become particularly important in the COVID-19 crisis, which has showed how important it is to keep the research work open and transparent. The crisis has been a trigger for the researchers to change their regular practice, and thus, giving us a hope that the science is equally open to all parties in the future.
Within a week the information desk is available for the library visitors. You can receive more information about:
- Open Science in Estonia
- DataCite Estonia
- UT digital archives in DSpace
- DataDOI repository
- OpenAIRE
On 29 October at 13 a webinar about the Open Science is organised by the Library of Helsinki University. More information here
Online registration for the FAIRsFAIR Roadshow webinar that will take place virtually on the 18th of November is now open! FAIRsFAIR aims to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles, such as tools for raising awareness about FAIR or even measuring the level of FAIRness. We hope to meet the Research Data community in Estonia: data support staff, researchers, data policy makers etc.
Additional information:
Elena Sipria-Mironov
Project Manager, UT Library
737 5750
University of Tartu Library celebrates OPEN ACCESS WEEK 2020 with OPENAIRE webinars
In 20 - 23 October 2020, OpenAIRE celebrates Open Access Week with a series of webinars, every day at lunch time. The webinars will focus on participatory action - with webinars on creating an inclusive environment for participation in scholarly commons, discipline specific workflows and tools for open science.
The full programme and registration are available HERE. You can register for one or all webinars, or just pick the ones that interest you the most. All webinars will be recorded and made available afterwards via the OpenAIRE portal.
During the week, the Open Access information desk will be open at the University of Tartu Library second floor lobby where you can find factsheets and printed materials about:
- OpenAIRE
- TÜ digitaalarhiiv DSpace-is
- DataDOI repositoorium
- DataCite Eesti
Join OpenAIRE for a series of webinars (and more) during Open Access Week 2019!
On the programme this year:
- Monday October 21st at 11 AM CEST: OpenAPC - cost transparency of Open Access publishing by Christoph Broschinski and Andreas Czerniak (UNIBI)
- Monday October 21st at 2 PM CEST : Research Data Management by S. Venkataraman (DCC) and Thomas Margoni (CREATe)
- Tuesday October 22nd at 10 AM CEST: Horizon 2020 Open Science Policies and beyond by Emilie Hermans (OpenAIRE)
- Friday October 25th at 11 AM CEST: Plan S compliance for Open Access Journals by Dominic Mitchell (DOAJ)
- Friday October 25th at 2 PM CEST: From Open Science to Inclusive Science by Paola Masuzzo
You can register via this FORM
Join the international seminar on the 6th of November organised by the University of Tartu Library. Program and registration via
Learn about theme of 2019 International Open Access Week “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge”
As the transition to a system for sharing knowledge that is open by default accelerates, the question “open for whom?” is essential—both to consider and to act upon. Whose interests are being prioritized in the actions we take and in the platforms that we support? Whose voices are excluded? Are underrepresented groups included as full partners from the beginning? Are we supporting not only open access but also equitable participation in research communication? These questions will determine the extent to which emerging open systems for research will address inequities in the current system or replicate and reinforce them.
We find ourselves at a critical moment. The decisions we make now—individually and collectively—will fundamentally shape the future for many years to come. As open becomes the default, all stakeholders must be intentional about designing these new, open systems to ensure that they are inclusive, equitable, and truly serve the needs of a diverse global community. Asking ourselves and our partners “open for whom?” will help ensure that considerations of equity become and remain central in this period of transition.
This year's Open Access Week will be held from October 21st through the 27th; however, those celebrating the week are encouraged to schedule local events whenever is most suitable during the year and to utilize themes that are most effective locally.
More information:
Once again University of Tartu Library celebrated OPEN ACCESS WEEK 2018 with webinars. The OpenAIRE with FOSTER (Facilitating Open Science Training for European Research) hosted a new series of webinars and tutorials. The programme was organized into five tracks, each with its own topics and learning goals. Each track included online tutorials for watching, learning materials to browse, and one or more webinars and online Q&A sessions:
- Open Access, Open Data, Open Science: what you need to know and what are the policies in Horizon 2020 (H2020)?
- Everything you need to know about FAIR data (that is, data that meet the standards of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability), data repositories, text and data mining and research data management.
- Legal and ethical considerations for sharing research data.
- Open Science Policies: what you need to know, how to advise on good policy making, and information/trends on policies in Europe.
- The OpenAIRE and FOSTER projects: services and activities.
Recordings are now avaliable! All online tutorials, learning materials are open to everyone.
During the week the Open Access information desk was open at the University of Tartu Library White Hall entrance where we presented facktsheets and printed materials about:
- OpenAIRE services
- DataDOI Repository
- DataCite Estonia
- University of Tartu digital archive in DSpace
University of Tartu Library celebrates OPEN ACCESS WEEK 2017 with OPENAIRE webinars!
From 23 - 27 October 2017 OpenAIRE celebrates Open Access Week with a series of webinars, every day at 12.00-15.00 (Estonian time).
The webinars will focus on a range of topics, including two webinars dedicated on research data management and data management plans, discipline specific workflows and tools for open science, legal and privacy issues and of course our well-known overview webinars on H2020 open access policies and mandates.
The full programme and registration are available NOW. You can register for one or all webinars, or just pick the ones that interest you most. All webinars will be recorded and will be made available afterwards via the OpenAIRE portal, together with slides and handouts.
UT Library invites researchers, master’s and doctoral students, project leaders, research administrators and other interested persons to participate in the OpenAIRE webinars, held on weekdays during the Open Access Week at 13.00 by the local Estonian Time.
The 9th edition of the International Open Access Week, the global community-driven week of action to open up access to research, will be held from 24th to 30th October 2016. During this week, events, seminars, webinars and many other activities will take place both online and offline.
After the 2014’s theme “Generation Open” and the 2015’s theme “Open for Collaboration”, this year’s theme will be “Open in Action” effectively providing an incentive to broaden the scope and involve all stakeholders, researchers as well as the general public.
In this occasion, OpenAIRE has scheduled a full week of webinars expected to shed some light on the implementation of Open Science as well as the activities OpenAIRE is involved in:
To participate in any of these webinars, please register here.
The web location for all webinars is here.
OpenAIRE Webinars during the Open Access Week 2016 from OpenAIRE on Vimeo.
Thursday 22nd October, 2015
One-day training course "Introduction to Research Data Management for Social Scientists" on improving Research Data Management (RDM) skills in relation to Open Research Data Pilot in H2020. The workshop was led by Astrid Recker and Sebastian Netscher from CESSDA as a Face-to-Face training for participants from the subject fields of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Tuesday 27th October, 2015
'World Café' training seminar on OA policy development in Estonia
Seminar "On OA Policy Development in Estonia" was held in the University of Tartu Library Conference Hall on 27 October and organised in cooperation with Estonian Research Council.
The researchers, experts and science policy makers gave presentations and participated in the World Café discussion. Guest speakers, who presented in the seminar, wereMafalda Picarra, PASTEUR4OA Project Officer (JISC, UK) and Pablo de Castro, Open Access Project Officer for OpenAIRE "FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot" (LIBER, Netherlands).
The aim of the seminar was to offer the participants an opportunity to compare the practices of different research institutions and to share the experiences, problems and solutions which could be of benefit for all; to analyse the directions of the Open Access policies; and to get feedback and suggestions and recommendations from the participants.
11.00 Tervitussõnad ja sissejuhatus
Liisi Lembinen, TÜ Raamatukogu
Andres Koppel, SA Eesti Teadusagentuur
11.10 Avatud teadus Eestis - kus asume ja kuhu suundume? Olle Hints, ETAgi avatud teaduse ekspertkomisjoni esimees, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool.
11.30 The Open Access Policy Landscape in the UK: Research Funders Policies. Mafalda Picarra, Jisc, UK
12.00 The European Commission's FP7 and H2020 Open Access Policies. The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot. Pablo de Castro, LIBER, Netherlands
12.30 Lõunapaus
13.30 Avatud juurdepääsu õiguslikud aspektid. Triin Tuulik, Advokaadibüroo GLIMSTEDT
14.00 Avaandmed ja Eesti teadustaristu teekaardi objektid. Urmas Kõljalg, Tartu Ülikool.
14.15 DataCite Eesti senised arengud ja tulevik. Liisi Lembinen, TÜ Raamatukogu
14.30 Avatud juurdepääs Eesti Teadusinfosüsteemi poolt vaadatuna. Marika Meltsas, SA Eesti Teadusagentuur
14.45 Kohvipaus
15.00 Diskussioon (World Cafe) - üldmoderaator Kristin Kraav, SA Eesti Teadusagentuur
Millised avatud teaduse poliitikad on efektiivsed? Mis teeb avatud poliitika efektiivseks?
Avaandmete repositooriumite korraldus - tsentraalne, valdkondlik või institutsionaalne?
Mis on avatud juurdepääsu piits ja präänik?
Autorileping teaduskirjastustega ja rahastajate nõuded avatud juurdepääsu tagamiseks - kuidas neid ühitada?
16.00 Kokkuvõtted ja arutelu
16.45 Lõppsõnad
- How and where research data are made accessible?
- What are the benefits of the publication, linking and dissemination of research data?
- Why did the University of Tartu join DataCite and what new possibilities will the new service of indexing research data offer to Estonian scientists?
13.00-13.15 | Welcome words. "Five years of Openness in the University of Tartu Library". Liisi Lembinen. the University of Tartu Library Acting Director. |
13.15-13.30 | "Uurimisandmete kogumise, säilitamise ja kättesaadavaks tegemise hetkeseis Eestis. ETAgi poolt läbiviidud küsitluse tutvustus." Viktor Muuli.Estonian Research Council's Head of the Department of R&D Analysis. |
13.30-14.00 | "Wagging the Long Tail of Research Data". Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director of the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) |
14.00-14.30 | "Progress on open data publishing in the social sciences". Louise Corti, Head of the UK Data Service functional areas of Collections Development and Producer Relations |
14.30-14.45 | "Data Librarian and RDM activities (UK perspective)". Stuart MacDonald, Associate Data Librarian and Research Data Management Service Coordinator (EDINA & Data Library), the University of Edinburgh |
15.00-15.15 | "Publishing datasets with DOI-s in PlutoF cloud". Urmas Kõljalg. University of Tartu Natural History Museum director |
15.15-15.30 | "QsarDB - first hundred DOI-s for predictive models". Uko Maran. The University of Tartu Senior Research Fellow in Molecular Technology. |
15.30-16.00 | "DataCite – a global approach for better data sharing". Jan Brase, DataCite Executive officer of DataCite |
The seminar was led by Lilian Neerut, University of Tartu Library data librarian.
Research Information and Data - open mindset, new opportunities
Traditional Open Access Week events were held at the University of Tartu Library on the 24th and 25th of October 2013. An information day took place on the 24th of October, where we, together with the University of Tartu Press, introduced the different means of open access publishing that we offer.
In addition, the UT Press hosted an open doors day, during which all guests were welcome to visit the UT Press’ rooms to become familiar with their everyday duties.
A seminar and a panel discussion were held in the UT Library conference hall on the 25th of October, where we discussed the following topics:
- What are the European Commission’s and the Estonian research funder's positions on open access? How is open access represented in EC documents?
- How have different universities developed their open access policies and what effect have the policies had?
- Why and how should we make research data open?
- What are the Estonian research funder’s positions on this topic?
- How do today’s open data databases function?
These and many other questions were discussed by the University of Tartu researchers and the representatives of the field of resarch policy, in the presentations and the panel discussion. Foreign guests, who presented in the seminar, were Iryna Kuchma (EIFL open access program manager), Ricardo Saraiva (Minho University RepositoriUM manager) and Pekka Olsbo (University of Jyväskylä publishing coordinator).
Open Access publishing
10.00–10.05 Opening. The conference is moderated by Liisi Lembinen, the University of Tartu Library acting director.
10.05–10.40 "Open Access policies in the European Union". Iryna Kuchma, EIFL open access program manager. The title will be specified soon.
10.40–11.15 "Funder mandates and Open Access realities". Marika Meltsas, Estonian Research Council's Head of the Estonian Research Information System ETIS Department, FP7 consultant.
11.15–11.50 "Open Access policy @ University of Minho: incentive and mandate". Ricardo Saraiva, the University of Minho RepositoriUM manager .
11.50–12.30 "Development of Open Access policy of the University of Jyväskylä". Pekka Olsbo, the University of Jyväskylä Library publishing coordinator.
Lunch 12.30–13.00
Open data
13.00–13.20 Estonian national research funder's positions: Viktor Muuli, Estonian Research Council's Head of the Department of R&D Analysis.
13.20–13.35 "Open Data publishing on the example of the PlutoF cloud and the eBiodiversity database ". Prof. Urmas Kõljalg, the University of Tartu Natural History Museum director.
13.35–13.50 "Language dataset peculiarity in the context of open data". Kadri Vider, Center of Estonian Language Resources manager, the University of Tartu research fellow in language technology.
13.50–14.05 "Document management's view on open data and open access". Veiko Berendsen, the University of Tartu lecturer in Document Management.
14.05–14.15 Open Data in the OpenAire+ program: Anneli Sepp, the University of Tartu Library Head of the Information Systems Department.
Break 14.15–14.30
Panel discussion
14.30–16.00 Panel moderated by Marco Kirm, the University of Tartu Vice-Rector for Research.
- Do we need open data and why do we need it? Fears. Expectations.
- What are the Estonian national research funder's positions on open access and open data?
- How is it possible to regulated open data publishing?
The following information booths were located in the library main hall:
- Open access information desk
- UT digital archive in DSpace information desk
- UT Press information desk
- EOD service information desk
- EducationUSA information desk
The sixth international Open Access Week was held on the 21-27 of October, where the opportunities for open research are discussed.
Seminar with panel discussion “Academic Publishing in the Open World” on the 25th of October at 10 o’clock in the University of Tartu Library conference hall.
The University of Tartu Press and the University of Tartu Library are holding a discussion seminar, which aims at introducing the UT Press’ new publishing policy, giving an overview of open access publishing models, introducing international experiences and publishing platforms offered by the library; and discussing differnet issues concerning copyright and free use licences.
The VI International Open Access Week is celebrated on 22-28 October, where possibilities for a free spread of research information will, once again, be introduced.
Open access principles that handle research information as a common good are gaining more and more ground in the world. New publishing models are adopted in academic publishing, which enable unrestricted spread of research publications among a remarkably large readership. Moreover, the ideas that the developing open access business models can lead to a more effective and less expensive publishing tradition, have been widely accepted.
Keynote speaker:
Eelco Ferwerda (OAPEN Foundation, the Netherlands) | ”We need new models to sustain monograph publishing, and Open Access will certainly be an important part of the solution”. |
Eelco Ferwerda is director of the OAPEN Foundation. Before that he managed OAPEN as EU-funded project at Amsterdam University Press. He joined Amsterdam University Press in 2002 as Publisher of Digital Products. Before joining AUP, he worked in various new media subsidiaries at the former Dutch newspaper publisher PCM, lastly as Manager Business Development for PCM Interactive Media. OAPEN provides a platform for Open Access book publishing and builds a collection of Open Access books through the OAPEN Library. OAPEN is also co-founder of the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), a discovery service launched earlier this year. |
10.00 Words of Welcome. Malle Ermel, UT Library Acting Director
10.05 Goals of Publishing Policies in the University of Tartu. Martin Hallik, UT Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs; Head of UT Publishing Board
10.20 Open Access, a Short Tour. Eelco Ferwerda, OAPEN Foundation, The Netherlands
11.10 Books, Humanities and Estonian research bureaucracy. Prof. Jaan Ross, Academician; Member of the Evaluation committee of the Estonian Research Council
11.30 History and Perspectives of Academic Publishing in the University of Tartu. Eva Piirimäe, Head of the Humanoria Committee of the UT Publishing Board; Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Government and Politics
11.45 University of Tartu Press – International Scientific Publishing. Ivo Volt, UT Press Editor-in-Chief
12.00-12.30 Coffee break
12.30 Problems Connected with the Implementation of Wide Open Access Concept. Aleksei Kelli, UT Docent of Intellectual Property Law
12.45 International Practice and OA Regulations. Merit Burenkov, UT Library Open Access Specialist
13.00 Sitting in an Empty Chair … Publishing Platforms in the UT Library. Heiki Epner, UT Library Digital Collections Analytic
The seminar is led by Liisi Lembinen, UT Library Development Director
13.15-14.00 Panel Discussion
- What is the role of the university press in increasing academic visibility of university members – possibilities and dangers?
- University press and increasing publishing activeness
- Scientific evaluation on the quality of university press
Participants: Eelco Ferwerda, Prof. Jaan Ross, Taivo Raud (Estonian Ministry of Education and Research), Prof. Tõnis Mets, Aleksei Kelli, Ivo Volt, Eva Piirimäe
Moderated by Martin Hallik, UT Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
All presentations, except Eelco Ferwerda, are in Estonian.
In the front of the Conference Hall, UT Press has a book sale – valuable literature with a great price!
The V International Open Access Week was celebrated on 24.-30. October 2011. The University of Tartu Library continued the tradition of participating in this event and held conferences at the University of Tartu Library on the 27th and 28th of October.
On Thursday, the 27th of October the presentations and discussions focused on institutional repositories as the basis for implementing Open Access principles.
International conference was held on Friday, the 28th of October. The main topics of the conference were : the experience of different organizations and countries in implementing Open Access principles; Open Access regulations; Open Access in Estonia. The conference culminated with a panel discussion. The conference was sponsored by the Research and Innovation Policy Monitoring Programme.
The presentations are available in the UT digital archive on DSpace.
During the Open Access Week the following information desks will be open at the University of Tartu White Hall:
- Open Access
- University of Tartu digital archive in DSpace
- eBooks on Demand service
Everybody was welcome to take part in the tours to our “Robot room”, where our robot scanners were introduced.
Read more about the speakers from abroad, who attended the Open Access Week conference in Tartu.
The University of Tartu Library took part in the international Open Access Week 2010. A two-day conference was held in the University of Tartu Library on the 19th of October – 20th of October 2010 to celebrate Open Access Week and introduce the concept and aim of open access publishing. Although the annual Open Access Week was globally held already for the fourth time, it was not until 2010 that Estonia became represented in the event.
The aim of the conference in Tartu was to introduce the opportunities that digital library offers to libraries, universities and other institutions, focusing especially on the principles and aims of open access movement. The purpose of introducing the concept of open access was for the open access literature to form a strong basis for education and research. The conference succeeded in explaining the advantages of open access publishing by describing the local, as well as international experiences in the field.
The programme ended with a round-table discussion, during which a number of important questions about the future of open access in Estonia were raised and discussed.
In addition to the conference there were also different information desks in the University of Tartu Library to introduce the following:
- The University of Tartu Library's open access gate,
- E-readers,
- The first scanner-robot in Estonia,
- Self-service scanning,
- eBook on Demand service.
Tuesday, the 20th of Ocober 13-16
- Open Access and digital library
- Opening words. Martin Hallik, director of the Tartu University Library
- Open Access to scientific information. Merit Burenkov, Tartu University Library
- Open Access databases. Vilve Seiler, Tartu University Library
- E-textbooks in Estonian in the Ebrary database. Signe Bachmann, Tartu University Library
- University of Tartu digital collections. Anneli Sepp, Tartu University Library
- EOD service – millions of books just a click away. Elena Sipria-Mironov, Tartu University Library
- Looking for a needle in the haystack: Estonian Literary Museum information environments. Mare Kõiva nad dr. Marin Laak, Estonian Literary Museum
- Transformation from table-based video collection into video portal. Toomas Petersell, University of Tartu
Wednesday, 20th of October 13-16
- Open Access – Estonian research opportunity
- Opening words. Martin Hallik, director of the Tartu University Library.
- Open Access in Estonia: present and perspectives. Marika Meltsas, SA Archimedes.
- On Open Access economic model from the perspective of scholarly literature. Focko Robbert van Berckelaer, Licensing Manager, Eastern Europe, Northern Asia, Springer Science and Business Media.
- Ences and the need for a European-wide general copyright exception in favor of science and education. Rainer Kuhlen, ENCES.
- Possibilities and limits of copyright. Kärt Nemvalts, Estonian Ministry of Culture.
The programme will be followed by a roundtable discussion with the following participators: Kristjan Haller, Andres Koppel, Volli Kalm, Jaak Järv, Irja Lutsar, Kärt Nemvalts, Marika Meltsas, Focko Robbert van Berckelaer, Rainer Kuhlen.
The discussion will be administered by Martin Hallik, director of the Tartu University Library.