EOSC Nordic

EOSC-Nordic aimed to facilitate the coordination of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) relevant initiatives within the Nordic and Baltic countries. The project aimed to exploit synergies to achieve greater harmonization at policy and service provisioning across these countries in compliance with EOSC-agreed standards and practices.

Project duration: September 2019 – August 2022

Main objectives of the project: facilitate the alignment of the delivery of horizontal services by improving interoperability practices across the national initiatives, identifying and engaging with prospective service providers, and supporting their integration with the EOSC catalog, service management framework, and operational environment. EOSC-Nordic worked in close collaboration with FAIRsFAIR and other relevant initiatives (such as GoFAIR) on data management to promote best practices and support the adoption of relevant certification schemas. The project also demonstrated the potential of EOSC by piloting innovative solutions, designed to support cross border research collaboration, using the Nordic and Baltic countries as a testbed environment. EOSC-Nordic consolidated and expanded a distributed network of experts and service operators at local and national levels.

The University of Tartu Library participated in a few work packages that dealt with Open Science and FAIR policies and evaluation, helping to develop training materials, reports, and policy documents.

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