Requesting Digital Copies

Digital copies can be requested of all publications, manuscripts, works of art, and photographs found in the UT Library collections. Information about the collections can be found in the e-catalogue ESTER. You can order entire works or parts thereof; we also digitise your own materials.

Digitisation of copyrighted works without the author's consent is permitted only for personal use and for educational or research purposes.

Publications up to the size of A2 (42 x 59.4 cm) can be digitised; objects cannot be digitised. Digitisation of larger formats is done by agreement. We do not digitise materials if it damages the original.

University of Tartu Library Digitisation Principles.

Digitisation of a publication or a part of a publication

When digitising a work or part of a work, including articles, photos, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, or graphics, you can select a JPG, TIFF, or PDF format. We offer automatic text recognition, allowing you to search the entire text and save it as editable text.

The order for a digital copy will be processed within 3 business days. Once payment is confirmed, you'll receive an email with a link to download files within 10 days. We can also upload the files to your FTP. If the publication is in the public domain, we'll archive the digital copy in the UT Digital Archive ADA.

Payment can be made by bank transfer using the provided invoice or through the University of Tartu's internal billing system. For pricing information, please see the price list.

Request form.

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