Services for UT Academic Staff

Semester-long Loan

The University of Tartu faculty members can borrow materials in their speciality for up to six months. The loan term can be renewed if the book has no queue. E-mail your book request to the subject librarian of your field. The requested materials can be sent to your office via the university mail service.

Grant Holder Loan

UT grant holders can borrow the materials purchased for the library by using the grant finances up to the completion of the grant (up to four years). Materials are checked out for the grant holder and delivered to their office. Books on grant-holder loans are not available for reservation by others. The library keeps grant holder information confidential.

Course Reserves

Course reserve (AP) is a collection of literature and materials curated by the lecturer, which is essential for students to pass the course.

Course reserves may include:

  • Materials from the UT Library and other sources;

  • copies of published and unpublished materials (in accordance with the Copyright Act).

Course reserves are available in subject area reading rooms for the specified period (semester, academic year, or renewable) determined by the lecturer.

Lecturers should forward the list of necessary materials to the subject librarian of their faculty, preferably 30 days before the course begins, to allow time for the return of materials that are on loan. The list must include accurate bibliographic data (author, title, year of publication, volume), the preferred period of use, the course title, the course code, and the lecturer's name.

Additionally, lecturers need to photocopy materials from outside the library collections, ensuring that the titles of books and journal articles are correctly cited. These copies should be sent to the library via university mail service or delivered personally. It is advisable to avoid including reference works in course reserves.

NB! The Library is not responsible for materials from outside its collections. Therefore, it is preferable to include only copies in the course reserves.

Depositing Books to Subject Libraries

Books necessary for study or research work can be deposited from the main library of UT to structural units that are part of the online catalogue ESTER.

Depositing Periods:

  • Books: 2 years, with the option to extend for an additional year.

The faculty that financed the book purchase has priority in depositing. To request a deposit, please contact the subject librarian.


  • Books marked as 'in-library use' cannot be deposited. This includes:
  • Materials published before 1945;
  • archive copies of printed materials published in Estonia;
  • geographical maps;
  • manuscripts;
  • photos;
  • pieces of art;
  • copies from the Estonica collection;
  • books of general interest (art, photo, film, theatre, etc.) can be borrowed by UT lecturers in person for six months.

Subject libraries must provide all UT members with access to deposited books.

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