University of Tartu Library Rules

Approved by the UT Rector’s Decree No 25 of 4 December 2020 (effective since 4 December 2020)
Amended by the UT Rector’s Decree No 3 of 23 May 2024 (effective since 23 May 2024)
University of Tartu Library Rules
Based on the section 15, subsection 2, clause 16 of the Statutes of the University of Tartu, I approve of the University of Tartu Library Rules.

University of Tartu Library Rules

I User and borrowing privileges

1. University of Tartu Library (thereafter: Library) Rules (thereafter: Rules) regulate the granting of user privileges and the rights and responsibilities of library users [effective since 23.05.2024].
2. Library user is a user of library services who has been granted user privileges by the University of Tartu (thereafter: University). All persons aged at least 16 may become library users
3. University grants user privileges based on a personal application. Application for user privileges can be submitted electronically at or on paper at the Library or at subject libraries.
4. When applying for user privileges, the following data has to be provided:
4.1. First name(s) and family name;
4.2. Personal code, or in the absence of it, the date of birth;
4.3. Job/educational institution;
4.4. Home address;
4.5. E-mail address;
4.6. Phone number.
5. When applying for user privileges, the user will confirm with their signature that they will observe the Rules and agree to the using of their personal data within the scope provided in the Rules.
6. User privileges are valid for two calendar years and can after that period be renewed on condition that the user has no debts towards the Library.

II Document for user privileges verification

7. At applying for user privileges, the user can choose either the library card, issued for a fee, the Estonian identity card (thereafter: ID-card) or the residence permit card as the document for user privileges verification [effective since 23.05.2024].
8. The library card is issued by the Library on the basis of a valid identification document.
9. The library card/ID-card/residence permit card is valid for verifying user privileges in the Library as well as in subject libraries [effective since 23.05.2024].
10. The library card can be used only by the person it has been issued to. The user is obliged to notify the Library Services Department of changes in the data referred to in subsection 4 and of the loss of the document verifying user privileges [effective since 23.05.2024].

III Database of library users

11. The Library has a database of library users (thereafter Database), containing the data listed in subsection 4 of the Rules, the number and expiry date of the library card, the encrypted password and other data connected with library services [effective since 23.05.2024]
12. The Database is for internal Library use; only the service-providing staff members and authorised co-responsible controllers, who are obliged to keep user data confidential, have access to it. At registration, the user gets their personal password for checking and renewing their contact data, viewing their loans, due dates, fines and messages, and renewing the due dates of their borrowed materials in the Database. Third parties are given access to the data only in the cases provided by the law.
13. Data in the Database are used to identify the users and to provide library services, including the sending of reminders and other messages needed for providing library services. Anonymised form of the data in the Database is also used for monitoring library visits and conducting statistical analyses [effective since 23.05.2024].
14. The user’s data are preserved in the Database during the validity of user privileges and for two years after the expiry of user privileges, excluding the data of users who have debts, which will be preserved until the debts are paid.

IV Using library services [effective since 23.05.2024]

15. All library users have the right for in-house use of library materials, allowing them to request materials from the stacks to the reading rooms, and for the use of reading room open collections.
16. Borrowing privileges are granted to users who are
16.1. University members;
16.2. Students and staff members of the higher education establishments and other institutions which have signed respective cooperation agreements with the University;
16.3. Registered inhabitants of the city of Tartu;
16.4 Students of the gymnasiums working in the city of Tartu;
16.5. Teaching staff of the educational institutions working in the city of Tartu [effective since 23.05.2024].
17. Users specified in subsections 16.3-16.5 cannot borrow materials from subject libraries [effective since 23.05.2024].
17.1. Users specified in subsections 16.4 and 16.5 are granted the borrowing privileges based on their student card or the International Teacher Card (ITIC). To be granted the borrowing privilege, users under the age of 18 need the consent of their legal representative. The one-off consent is valid until the user will be 18 years old. The consent can be withdrawn at any time [effective since 23.05.2024].
18. The Library ensures services for users with special needs.
19. The user who does not have the status of the University member any more has to return all checked-out materials to the Library. Persons specified in subsection 16.3 can maintain their borrowing privileges even if have ceased being University members. Materials borrowed from subject libraries have to be returned at all cases.
20. Director of the Library ensures the existence and accessibility of up-to-date instructions for using library materials
21. Materials not available in the Library can be requested from other Estonian and foreign libraries via the Interlibrary Loans Service (ILL) by paying the mailing costs.
22. Using of computers and the computer network in the Library is regulated by the rules of using information technology services, approved by Rector and accessible on the University web pages.
23. Photocopying is regulated by the rules established by Director of the Library.

V In-house rules of the Library

24. The Library service area cannot be entered in overcoats and with large bags, excluding laptop bags. Overcoats and other objects that cannot be taken to the Library service area can be left in the cloakroom lockers for the whole day until the closing of the Library [effective since 23.05.2024].
25. Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs or wearing noticeably dirty clothes cannot enter the Library.
26. No animals can be brought to the Library, only guide dogs, licenced therapy dogs and other certified service dogs are allowed.
27. Users must avoid disturbing other users with their behaviour. Zones for socialising and quiet work are specified in the Library. Order and silence has to be maintained and phones are not allowed in the areas for quiet work.
28. Eating is not allowed in reading rooms, only water can be drunk in reading rooms. It is not allowed to enter the reading room of rare books and manuscripts with any drinks and food. A lunchroom for the users is located on the third floor of the library.
29. The Library uses an electronic security system to protect library materials. In case of the security system alarm, users have to follow the library staff members’ orders. In case of well-founded suspicion, library staff members have the right to check the user’s belongings.
30. To ensure the safety and security of library users, the Library follows the relevant rules and regulations established by the University and other legal acts. In case of a danger alarm, the users have to leave the building, following the instructions of library staff members and the escape plans [effective since 23.05.2024].
31. University is not responsible for unattended personal belongings in the Library or for objects left in the cloakroom lockers. Objects left in the Library lobby, service area and cloakroom lockers are kept for 30 calendar days, after which they will be destroyed. Perishable objects will be destroyed in the evening of the same day after the closing of the Library [effective since 23.05.2024].
32. Price list of services for a fee is accessible on the Library web page.
33. Users can submit complaints and proposals regarding the organisation of work at the Library. Complaints are solved by Head of the respective department or Director of the Library. Suggestions can be handed in on paper at all service points or sent electronically to the library e-mail [effective since 23.05.2024].

VI User responsibilities

34. The user is financially responsible for the library materials, equipment and other property they use. Damage caused by the user has to be compensated to the University.
34.1. The user has to keep the data referred to in subsection 4 of these rules up-to-date and when needed, to prove their timeliness [effective since 23.05.2024]).
35. Lost library materials have to be replaced by the same title or, if it is not possible, the value and processing costs have to be compensated within the amount determined by Director of the Library. In case of damaging library materials, the user has to compensate the costs of repair or binding of the items.
36. The user is obliged to return the borrowed library materials within the loan term or renew the due date if necessary. For overdue time, the user has to pay a fine based on the price list approved by Director of the Library. Starting from the unpaid fine of two Euros, the user is prevented from requesting and borrowing new materials and from renewing due dates of the already borrowed materials.
37. The user is obliged to keep up with the due dates of borrowed library materials. Prior notices, notices about reserved materials and reminders about the arrival and passing of due dates are automatically sent from the Library database. Not receiving the reminder does not eliminate the obligation to pay the fine, as the University cannot guarantee the arrival of automatically sent e-letters.
38. In order to collect unpaid fines, the University has the right to use services of a collection firm.
39. User privileges of the users who break these rules can temporarily be cancelled. Cancelling of user privileges is, considering the gravity of the breaking of rules and/or other related circumstances, determined by the Head of the Services Department.

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