User Training for UT students

Training for First-Year Students at the University of Tartu

Each September, the library introduces first-year students to its services. Training covers using the e-catalogue ESTER, library services, collections, and databases and includes a library tour. Sessions last 60-90 minutes.

User Training in Cooperation with the Faculty Staff

Subject librarians offer information search training that can be integrated into university courses. Faculty members interested in this option should contact their subject librarians.

E-courses in Moodle

The e-course Fundamentals of Information Literacy (OIAO.06.050) – a pan-university optional course for bachelor's and master's students is offered each fall semester and is suitable for all fields of study. The course is conducted by the library’s subject librarians.

Target group: students from all fields of study. It is also appropriate for beginners.

When: fall semester.

The aim of the course is to offer knowledge and practical skills in searching professional scientific information from electronic information sources.

The course discusses the following themes: Overview of scientific information sources. Databases. Principles and strategy of information search. Search in the e-catalogue ESTER and the Estonian articles databases. Research databases accessible to the University of Tartu. Search in different search environments. Information search on the Internet. Evaluation of the quality of information sources. Avoiding plagiarism. Managing references with Zotero.

Learning environment: The course is conducted entirely within the Moodle e-learning environment. Participants will read learning materials, complete tests to assess their knowledge and information retrieval skills and work on a bibliography assignment. The course concludes with a pass/fail assessment based on the results of the assignments.


E-course Introduction to Information Research (OIAO.06.051) – the pan-university optional course for doctoral students is offered every spring semester. The course is conducted by the library’s subject librarians.

Target group: doctoral students from all fields of study.

When: spring semester.

The course aims to develop students' knowledge and practical skills in finding and managing subject-specific research information and scientific raw data.

The course discusses the following themes: Research databases accessible for the University of Tartu. Principles and strategy of information search. Search in different databases (EBSCO Discovery, Web of Science, Scopus). Reference managers (EndNote Online, Zotero, Mendeley). Information search on the Internet. Scientific information search engines and portals. Google Scholar. Open access journals and repositories.
Research data and open data. Research data management. Research data lifecycle and data management plan. Open data repositories. Persistent identificator of dataset, DataCite, DOI.

Learning environment: The course is conducted entirely within the Moodle e-learning environment. Participants will read learning materials, submit assignments, and complete tests to assess their knowledge by working on their own topic. The course concludes with a pass/fail assessment based on the results of the assignments.


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