RDA and Open Science for Libraries

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is an international initiative connecting researchers, which is open to both organizations and individuals. Thus, all people engaged in research at the University of Tartu are invited to participate in the activities of the RDA, for whom it is a good opportunity to exchange professional experience and knowledge and to share research data.

Regardless of profession or position, both individuals and organizations interested in sharing and reusing research data can join RDA.

The Value of the Research Data Alliance to Individuals

Any individual, regardless of profession or discipline, with an interest in reducing the barriers to data sharing and re-use and who agrees to RDA’s guiding principles can join the RDA Community and Individual Membership is free of charge.

  1. Contribute to debates, Recommendations and Outputs
  2. Become part of the community
  3. Gain experience and professional development

Currently, the RDA community includes 9,858 people, including 23 Estonians. Joining the RDA community is free and easy: https://www.rd-alliance.org/user/register

RDA Estonia activities can be followed in RDA Estonia webpage or in social media (RDA Estonia Facebook; EstoniaRda X).

Starting from September 2020, the University of Tartu Library will follow the recommendation of the RDA in its research data management activities: 23 Things: Libraries for Research Data. The story of the implementation of our recommendations can be read here.

Open Science for Libraries

The University of Tartu Library is ready to help other libraries that want to offer the best open science services at their university.

In its activities, the UT Library is based on the recommendations of the RDA: 23 Things: Libraries for Research Data.

Below you can find information on various topics that libraries can use to help researchers simplify the management of research data. Categorization is based on RDA recommendations.

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