
Skills4EOSC "Skills for the European Open Science commons: creating a training ecosystem for Open and FAIR science" is funded by the European Commission Horizon Europe programme. Coordinated by Consortium GARR and supported by 44 partners in 18 European countries, Skills4EOSC will set up a pan-European network of competence centres to speed up the training of European researchers and harmonise the training of new professional figures for scientific data management.

The project started on the 1st of September 2022 and lasts for three years. Skills4EOSC works to provide Open Science Commons and create an EOSC-ready skilled European workforce, connecting existing Competence Centres in open science and scientific data management. The aim is to develop common methodologies, activities and training resources to unify the current training landscape into a collaborative and reliable ecosystem and to provide dedicated community-specific support to leverage the potential of EOSC for open and data-intensive research.

The University of Tartu Library is contributing to developing training materials and setting up the Open Science Competence Center and the national community.

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