Open Science at the University of Tartu
We offer consultations about the management, archiving and publishing of research data.
Our team will help you solve the problems related to data management and use. Some examples of the issues people have needed information about:
- data management plans
- persistent identifiers (DOI, Handle)
- metadata
- licences
- personal data as research data
Archiving of data and assigning of DOI
All University of Tartu members can add their data to our data repository DataDOI. If you have questions about using the repository, write to the repository manager Evelin Arust.
- Introduction to Information Research (Sissejuhatus erialainfootsingusse) (OIAO.06.051) is a course for PhD students that gives an overview of information research and teaches how to use databases and research data repositories. It also gives an introduction to data management and shows how DOI is given to a dataset. Study materials: Introduction to Information Research
- Research Data Management and Publishing (Teadusandmete haldus ja publitseerimine) (LTOM.00.007) is a course for PhD students which is created in collaboration with the University of Tartu Museum of Natural History and data management platform PlutoF. In this course, you can find information about open science and publishing with open access. You will get to know how to create a data management plan and how to search data from different open data repositories. The second part of the course teaches how to make research data into machine-readable FAIR data. Study materials: Research Data Management and Publishing
- Research Integrity: Framework Requirements, Values and Principles of Action (Hea teadus: raamnõuded, väärtused ja tegevuspõhimõtted) (HVFI.01.002) is an elective course for all PhD students. In this course, you can find principles and guidelines for how to process research data to make it easily findable and reusable. A part of this course is also dedicated to open science and research data. Study materials: Research Integrity: Framework Requirements, Values and Principles of Action
Development of Open Science in UT
- Additional funding for developing open data repository DataDOI
- Evolving open science policy in collaboration with Univrsity of Tartu and Estonian Research Council
- Evolving research data management services and support
- University of Tartu becomes the member of DataCite. Consortium DataCite Estonia is created
- Research data repository DataDOI
- Member of COAR
- First research data specialists start their work in Estonia
- First contacts with UT scientists in order to discuss opportunities for preserving research data
- OpenAIRE international node in Estonia
- Organising the first Open Access week in Estonia