The University of Tartu library offers the option to publish open-access journals in OJS publishing environment.

OJS (Open Journal System) is a system for publishing e-journals that is used to administer and publish open access scientific journals of the University of Tartu. OJS platform hosts peer-reviewed journals that contain full-text articles in various languages.

OJS is an open source publishing platform for open-access peer-reviewed journals with an international board of editors. OJS covers all aspects of publishing an e-journal, from creating a website for the journal to different activities of the publishing process such as manuscript submission by the author, peer review, editing, publishing, archiving and indexing. OJS helps guide people’s work on the journal, including tracking the activities of authors, editors and reviewers, notifying readers and helping to organise correspondence.

When publishing open access journals, it is possible to add DOIs to the articles. Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are permalinks that are used to unambiguously identify an object in a digital environment.

All journals published on the University of Tartu OJS platform are also available in the international DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) database.

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