Music Room

Audio and video recordings, sheet music and books about music can be found in the e-catalogue.

In our music collection, you will find classical and traditional music CD's and LP's, as well as jazz and rock. Where it comes to traditional, oriental and early music, our collection is one of the largest in Estonia

The library's Music Room supplies students and researchers of the University of Tartu with audiovisual materials. Our goal is to collect all the audiovisual materials published in Estonia. In addition, we collect works of Estonian composers, interpreters and film makers published outside of Estonia. We also collect materials about Estonia, so-called Estica audio and video recordings and sheet music.

At the Music Room, you can:

  • borrow CDs and LPs for 14 days,
  • listen to music recordings (vinyl LPs, CDs, Naxos Music Library)
  • watch documentary and music films (video cassettes, DVDs),
  • watch materials from the UT film archive (lectures, festive events, etc.),
  • use music books and journals held in the department's open collection; books can be borrowed for 30 days (materials designated to be used within the library cannot be borrowed),
  • get help from the staff of the reading room in using catalogues and reference materials, as well as in bibliographic and musicological consultation,
  • use the authorised work station for reading e-books and other e-publications held in the digital archive DIGAR,
  • play the digital piano (with headphones for two, if needed).

Music databases:

Have a look at collections and new CD-s and DVD-s, sheet music.

Primary full-text music articles databases are JSTOR, EBSCO: Academic Search Complete, Cambridge Journals Online and Oxford Academic.

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