Instructions how to request and borrow books in emergency situation
Instructions how to request and borrow books in emergency situation
- Find a book in the e-catalogue ESTER ( and check whether the book can be borrowed and its status is AVAILABLE.
- Request the book from the e-catalogue by using the button REQUEST. Mark the second floor service point as the pick-up location.
- Due to the limited size of the lockers, you can request up to five (5) books at a time. The due date in the emergency situation will be set starting from 01 June.
- Wait for an e-mail from the library with the message that the books are waiting in the Smart Locker. NB! Do not go to library before you have received this e-mail. Also note that the message may arrive within two or three days as the number of lockers is limited.
- Having received the message, come to the library. The Smart Lockers are in the lobby, just beside the main entrance. Access to the lockers is from Monday to Friday 12 – 18.
- Scan your library card or insert your ID-card to the locker. Then follow the instructions on the locker’s screen.
- Disinfect your hands before and after using the service. You can find the disinfectants beside the lockers.
- When entering the library, keep your distance with other persons. The temporary service area is limited, do not exit its limits!
- The requested books will be kept in the locker for three days (Sat-Sun not included) starting from the date of the e-mail. Come and take out the requested books ASAP to free the locker for the next requests.
- The service is contact-free. In case of problems or questions, call 737 5702 or send an e-mail to