Open Access Week 2012

Seminar with panel discussion “Academic Publishing in the Open World” on the 25th of October at 10 o’clock in the University of Tartu Library conference hall.

The University of Tartu Press and the University of Tartu Library are holding a discussion seminar, which aims at introducing the UT Press’ new publishing policy, giving an overview of open access publishing models, introducing international experiences and publishing platforms offered by the library; and discussing differnet issues concerning copyright and free use licences.

The VI International Open Access Week is celebrated on 22-28 October, where possibilities for a free spread of research information will, once again, be introduced.

Open access principles that handle research information as a common good are gaining more and more ground in the world. New publishing models are adopted in academic publishing, which enable unrestricted spread of research publications among a remarkably large readership. Moreover, the ideas that the developing open access business models can lead to a more effective and less expensive publishing tradition, have been widely accepted.



Moderated by Liisi Lembinen, Director of Development at the UT Library

10.00 Words of Welcome. Malle Ermel, UT Library Acting Director
10.05 Tartu Ülikooli kirjastamispoliitika eesmärgid. Martin Hallik, UT Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs; Head of UT Publishing Board
10.20 Open Access, a short tour. Eelco Ferwerda, OAPEN Foundation, Netherlands
11.10 Raamatud, humanitaarteadused ning Eesti teadusbürokraatia. Prof. Jaan Ross, Academician; Member of the Evaluation committee of the Estonian Research Council
11.30 Teaduskirjastamise ajaloost ja perspektiividest Tartu Ülikoolis. Eva Piirimäe, Head of the Humanoria Committee of the UT Publishing Board; Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Government and Politics
11.45 TÜ Kirjastus kui rahvusvaheline teaduskirjastus. Ivo Volt, UT Press Editor-in-Chief

12.00 Coffee break

12.30 Laia Open Access kontseptsiooni rakendamisega seonduvad probleemid. Aleksei Kelli, UT Docent of Intellectual Property Law
12.45 Rahvusvaheline praktika ja OA regulatsioonid. Merit Burenkov, UT Library Open Access Specialist
13.00 Istudes tühjale toolile... ehk publitseerimisplatvormid TÜ Raamatukogus. Heiki Epner, UT Library Digital Collections Analytic
13.15 Panel discussion. Moderated by Martin Hallik, UT Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs


  • What is the role of the university press in increasing academic visibility of university members – possibilities and dangers?
  • University press and increasing publishing activeness
  • Scientific evaluation on the quality of university press

Participants: Eelco Ferwerda, Prof. Jaan Ross, Taivo Raud (Estonian Ministry of Education and Research), Prof. Tõnis Mets, Aleksei Kelli, Ivo Volt, Eva Piirimäe.

In the front of the Conference Hall, UT Press has a book sale – valuable literature with a great price!

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