Open Access Week 2013

Traditional Open Access Week events were held at the University of Tartu Library on the 24th and 25th of October 2013. An information day took place on the 24th of October, where we, together with the University of Tartu Press, introduced the different means of open access publishing that we offer.

Research Information and Data - open mindset, new opportunities

In addition, the UT Press hosted an open doors day, during which all guests were welcome to visit the UT Press’ rooms to become familiar with their everyday duties.

A seminar and a panel discussion were held in the UT Library conference hall on the 25th of October, where we discussed the following topics:

  • What are the European Commission’s and the Estonian research funder's positions on open access? How is open access represented in EC documents?
  • How have different universities developed their open access policies and what effect have the policies had?
  • Why and how should we make research data open?
  • What are the Estonian research funder’s positions on this topic?
  • How do today’s open data databases function?

Seminaris ja paneeldiskussioonis osalesid TÜ teadlased ja teaduspoliitika valdkonna esindajad. Väliskülalisteks olid Iryna Kuchma (EIFL OA programmjuht), Ricardo Saraiva (Minho Ülikooli raamatukogu repositooriumi juhataja) ja Pekka Olsbo (Jyväskylä Ülikooli raamatukogu kirjastamise koordinaator).


These and many other questions were discussed by the University of Tartu researchers and the representatives of the field of resarch policy, in the presentations and the panel discussion. Foreign guests, who presented in the seminar, were Iryna Kuchma (EIFL open access program manager), Ricardo Saraiva (Minho University RepositoriUM manager) and Pekka Olsbo (University of Jyväskylä publishing coordinator).

Open Access publishing (Seminar toimus inglise/eesti keeles)

10.00 Opening. The conference is moderated by Liisi Lembinen, the University of Tartu Library acting director.

10.05 Open Access policies in the European Union. Iryna Kuchma, EIFL open access program manager

10.40 Funder mandates and Open Access realities. Marika Meltsas, Estonian Research Council's Head of the Estonian Research Information System ETIS Department, FP7 consultant

11.15 Open Access policy @ University of Minho: incentive and mandate. Ricardo Saraiva, the University of Minho RepositoriUM manager

11.50 Development of Open Access policy of the University of Jyväskylä. Pekka Olsbo, the University of Jyväskylä Library publishing coordinator

Lunch 12.30–13.00

Open data

13.00 Avatud juurdepääsust teadustöö andmetele. Viktor Muuli, Estonian Research Council's Head of the Department of R&D Analysis

13.20 Teadusandmete avatud juurdepääsuga publitseerimine PlutoF pilve ja eElurikkuse näitel. Prof. Urmas Kõljalg, the University of Tartu Natural History Museum director

13.35 Keeleandmestiku eripära avatud andmete kontekstis. Kadri Vider, Center of Estonian Language Resources manager, the University of Tartu research fellow in language technology

13.50 Dokumendihalduse vaade avatud andmetele ja juurdepääsule. Veiko Berendsen, the University of Tartu lecturer in Document Management

14.05 Avatud andmed OpenAire+ programmis. Anneli Sepp, the University of Tartu Library Head of the Information Systems Department

Break 14.15–14.30

Panel discussion

14.30–16.00 Panel moderated by Marco Kirm, the University of Tartu Vice-Rector for Research.

  • Do we need open data and why do we need it? Fears. Expectations.
  • What are the Estonian national research funder's positions on open access and open data?
  • How is it possible to regulated open data publishing?

Üritust toetab Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) organisatsioon.

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