Open Access Week 2014

The University of Tartu Library took part in the international Open Access Week 2014 and held the panel discussion seminar on 23d of October, where we discussed the following topics:

  • How and where research data are made accessible?
  • What are the benefits of the publication, linking and dissemination of research data?
  • Why did the University of Tartu join DataCite and what new possibilities will the new service of indexing research data offer to Estonian scientists?

The aim of the seminar was to give an overview of new trends in open research data publication and to introduce the DataCite Estonia project. The University of Tartu researchers, experts and science policy makers gave presentations and participated in the panel discussion. Among the foreign guests were renowned specialists in the field from the UK, Germany and Canada.



13.00 Opening words. Five years of Openness in the University of Tartu Library. Liisi Lembinen, TÜ raamatukogu direktori kt, DataCite Eesti projektijuht

13.15 Uurimisandmete kogumise, säilitamise ja kättesaadavaks tegemise hetkeseis Eestis. ETAgi poolt läbiviidud küsitluse tutvustus. Viktor Muuli, Eesti Teadusagentuuri analüüsiosakonna juhataja

13.30 Wagging the Long Tail of Research Data. Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director of the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)

14.00 Progress on open data publishing in the social sciences. Louise Corti, Head of the UK Data Service functional areas of Collections Development and Producer Relations

14.30 Data Librarian and RDM activities (UK perspective). Stuart MacDonald, Associate Data Librarian and Research Data Management Service Coordinator (EDINA & Data Library), the University of Edinburgh

14.45 Coffee break

15.00 Publishing datasets with DOI-s in PlutoF cloud. Urmas Kõljalg, Tartu Ülikooli Loodusmuuseumi direktor

15.15 QsarDB - first hundred DOI-s for predictive models. Uko Maran, TÜ keemia instituudi vanemteadur

15.30 DataCite – a global approach for better data sharing. Jan Brase, DataCite juhtiv spetsialist ja tegevdirektor

16.00 Stretching break

16.10-17.00 Panel discussion. Moderated by Martin Hallik, TÜ õppeprorektor.

The seminar was led by Lilian Neerut, University of Tartu Library data librarian.

The conference was sponsored by the Research and Innovation Policy Monitoring Programme.

Preparations for and the creation of the DataCite Estonia platform were financed according to the agreement on the use of state budget support no 1.4-6/14/2, signed by the by the Estonian Research Council and the University of Tartu.

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