Open Access Week 2015

Thursday 22nd October, 2015

One-day training course "Introduction to Research Data Management for Social Scientists" on improving Research Data Management (RDM) skills in relation to Open Research Data Pilot in H2020. The workshop was led by Astrid Recker and Sebastian Netscher from CESSDA as a Face-to-Face training for participants from the subject fields of Social Sciences and Humanities.


Tuesday 27th October, 2015

"World Café" training seminar on OA policy development in Estonia.

Seminar "On OA Policy Development in Estonia" was held in the University of Tartu Library Conference Hall on 27 October and organised in cooperation with Estonian Research Council.

The researchers, experts and science policy makers gave presentations and participated in the World Café discussion. Guest speakers, who presented in the seminar, were Mafalda Picarra, PASTEUR4OA Project Officer (JISC, UK) and Pablo de Castro, Open Access Project Officer for OpenAIRE "FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot" (LIBER, Netherlands).

The aim of the seminar was to offer the participants an opportunity to compare the practices of different research institutions and to share the experiences, problems and solutions which could be of benefit for all; to analyse the directions of the Open Access policies; and to get feedback and suggestions and recommendations from the participants.



11.00 Opening words - Liisi Lembinen, TÜ Raamatukogu; Andres Koppel, SA Eesti Teadusagentuur

11.10 Avatud teadus Eestis - kus asume ja kuhu suundume? Olle Hints, ETAgi avatud teaduse ekspertkomisjoni esimees, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool.

11.30 The Open Access Policy Landscape in the UK: Research Funders Policies. Mafalda Picarra, Jisc, UK

12.00 The European Commission's FP7 and H2020 Open Access Policies. The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot. Pablo de Castro, LIBER, Netherlands

12.30 Dinner

13.30 Avatud juurdepääsu õiguslikud aspektid. Triin Tuulik, Advokaadibüroo GLIMSTEDT

14.00 Avaandmed ja Eesti teadustaristu teekaardi objektid. Urmas Kõljalg, Tartu Ülikool.

14.15 DataCite Eesti senised arengud ja tulevik. Liisi Lembinen, TÜ Raamatukogu

14.30 Avatud juurdepääs Eesti Teadusinfosüsteemi poolt vaadatuna. Marika Meltsas, SA Eesti Teadusagentuur

14.45 Coffee break

15.00 Discussion (World Cafe) - moderated by Kristin Kraav, SA Eesti Teadusagentuur

  • Millised avatud teaduse poliitikad on efektiivsed? Mis teeb avatud poliitika efektiivseks?
  • Avaandmete repositooriumite korraldus - tsentraalne, valdkondlik või institutsionaalne?
  • Mis on avatud juurdepääsu piits ja präänik?
  • Autorileping teaduskirjastustega ja rahastajate nõuded avatud juurdepääsu tagamiseks - kuidas neid ühitada?

16.00 Conclusion

16.45 Farewell words

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