Open Access Week 2018

Once again University of Tartu Library celebrated OPEN ACCESS WEEK 2018 with webinars. The OpenAIRE with FOSTER (Facilitating Open Science Training for European Research) hosted a new series of webinars and tutorials.

OA week 2018

The programme was organized into five tracks, each with its own topics and learning goals. Each track included online tutorials for watching, learning materials to browse, and one or more webinars and online Q&A sessions:

  • Open Access, Open Data, Open Science: what you need to know and what are the policies in Horizon 2020 (H2020)?
  • Everything you need to know about FAIR data (that is, data that meet the standards of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability), data repositories, text and data mining and research data management.
  • Legal and ethical considerations for sharing research data.
  • Open Science Policies: what you need to know, how to advise on good policy making, and information/trends on policies in Europe.
  • The OpenAIRE and FOSTER projects: services and activities.

Recordings are now avaliable: Open Access Week 2018.

During the week the Open Access information desk was open at the University of Tartu Library White Hall entrance where we presented facktsheets and printed materials about:

  • OpenAIRE
  • UT digital archive DSpace
  • DataDOI repository
  • DataCite Estonia
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