Open Access Week 2019

Join OpenAIRE for a series of webinars (and more) during Open Access Week 2019!

OA week 2019
  • Monday, October 21st at 11 AM CEST: OpenAPC - cost transparency of Open Access publishing by Christoph Broschinski and Andreas Czerniak (UNIBI)
  • Monday, October 21st at 2 PM CEST : Research Data Management by S. Venkataraman (DCC) and Thomas Margoni (CREATe)
  • Tuesday, October 22nd at 10 AM CEST: Horizon 2020 Open Science Policies and beyond by Emilie Hermans (OpenAIRE)
  • Friday, October 25th at 11 AM CEST: Plan S compliance for Open Access Journals by Dominic Mitchell (DOAJ)
  • Friday, October 25th at 2 PM CEST: From Open Science to Inclusive Science by Paola Masuzzo

NB! Join the international seminar on the 6th of November organised by the University of Tartu Library.

OA week 2019 I

Learn about theme of 2019 International Open Access Week “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge”

As the transition to a system for sharing knowledge that is open by default accelerates, the question “open for whom?” is essential—both to consider and to act upon. Whose interests are being prioritized in the actions we take and in the platforms that we support? Whose voices are excluded? Are underrepresented groups included as full partners from the beginning? Are we supporting not only open access but also equitable participation in research communication? These questions will determine the extent to which emerging open systems for research will address inequities in the current system or replicate and reinforce them.

We find ourselves at a critical moment. The decisions we make now—individually and collectively—will fundamentally shape the future for many years to come. As open becomes the default, all stakeholders must be intentional about designing these new, open systems to ensure that they are inclusive, equitable, and truly serve the needs of a diverse global community. Asking ourselves and our partners “open for whom?” will help ensure that considerations of equity become and remain central in this period of transition.

This year's Open Access Week will be held from October 21st through the 27th; however, those celebrating the week are encouraged to schedule local events whenever is most suitable during the year and to utilize themes that are most effective locally.

More information: Theme of 2019 International Open Access Week To Be “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge”

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