Biographical Reference Book Investigates the Learning Mobility of Students from the Baltic

Biographical reference book Lexikon der Studenten aus Estland, Livland und Kuraland an Europäischen Universitäten 1561-1800, discussing the learning mobility of students coming from the Baltic area, was recently published and a copy of the book has just been added to the collections of the UT Library.

The book was compiled by Arvo Tering, the long-time Research Fellow at the UT Library and a scholar of the history of science of international renown. During his research of almost 30 years, Tering studied thousands of pages of source materials in the libraries and archives of Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Poland. The 940-page book contains data about 6000 persons from Estonia, Livonia and Courland who studied at various universities in Europe in 1561-1800, including their biographical data, the universities they attended, their academic specialty, and the period of their studies. In addition, the book provides complete information about the data sources used.

The Lexikon, edited by Dr. Jürgen Beyer, was published in the series Quellen und Studien zur baltischen Geschichte (Vol. 28; Köln-Weimar-Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 940 pp) of the Baltic History Commission (Baltische Historische Kommission, Göttingen), with the support of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Paul Kaegbein Fund.

The Lexikon is a continuation to Tering’s monograph Estonians, Livonians and Curonians at European Universities in 1561-1798 (Tartu: Estonian Historical Archives, 2008), for which he was given the Estonian Annual Historiography Award in 2008 and the Estonian National Research Award in the Humanities in 2009.

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