Exhibition of Nikolai Jasnetski's paintings open in the library

On the 3rd floor of the library, the exhibition „Nikolai Jasnetski – restorer and artist“ will be opened on Thursday, 20 October. The paintings that are exhibited were given as a present to the Gallery of Discoveries by the daughter of Jasnetski in March 2022. 

Jasnetski, born in the year 1909, studied in the art school Pallas, where his teachers were famous Estonian artists Jaan Vahtra, Villem Ormisson, Voldemar Mellik and Nikolai Triik. In pre-war years he worked as a teacher in different schools, but after the war he started his career as a restorer of paintings. He worked 40 years in the state museum of art in Tartu.

In addition to restorer and art scholar, Jasnetski worked also as a curator of several exhibitions. As a restorer, he himself considered one of his best achievements the painting "Inviting Christ" by Johann Köler, which he restored with his young colleague Sirli Rebaste. 

Most of the earlier works by Jasnetski are probably destroyed, as they have not been found anywhere. The paintings in the exhibition date back to the period 1946-1985. One can notice his special talent towards depicting nature and contradictory internal emotions of human in these pieces of art.

The exhibition of Nikolai Jasnetski's paintings will be open until 20 November.   


Additional iformation:
Nadežda Valk
Curator of the exhibition



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