Exhibition “ÜDU” by Carl-Christian Frey is inspired by primeval nature

The exhibition by Frey features abstract oil paintings created in 2021, depicting untouched primeval forests and landscapes.

The views emphasize the depth of field and often some unnerving fog - ÜDU - is creeping around ('üdu' is a derivation of the Estonian word 'udu', meaning fog). The name of the exhibition and also the names of the paintings are in the author's self-invented "primary language", which could be described as a pseudo-proto-Finno-Ugric language.

Carl-Christian Frey (b. 1975) graduated from the University of Tartu, Faculty of Law and Pallas University of Applied Sciences in the field of Media and Advertising, where his teachers of painting included Peeter Allik, Meiu Münt and Kalli Kalde. He has worked as a computer game designer for more than 20 years. Frey has previously participated in some group exhibitions, but this is his first solo exhibition.

The exhibition “ÜDU” will be open on the third floor lobby of the library until 23 April.

Additional information:
Carl-Christian Frey
50 69 654

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