FAIR Data - the Key to Sustainable Research

Gabriela Urm

Open Science is meant to spread scientific knowledge beyond borders and change how research results are published, shared and reused. In order to achieve this, the European Commission has taken a straight road towards Open through using different ways to achieve it: Open Access, FAIR data, European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) among others.

Current international seminar on the 9th of April will focus on various aspects and ways to support researchers work within Open Science. We will cover following topics: Data Stewardship, Data Champions, EOSC, Nordic Open Science Cloud initiative (NOSC) among others.

Two workshops held on the second day of the event (10th of April) show researchers digital solutions for simplifying research: "Electronic Lab Notebooks" and "Discipline Specific Protocols for Handling Geospatial Data to Assure Reproducibility".


9th of April

13.00-13.10 Jenni Hyppölä, EU Specialist, IT Center for Science, CSC, "European Open Science Cloud - From vision into useful services"

13.55-14.15 Ilja Livenson, Senior Application Developer, High Performance Computing Center, University of Tartu, "Estonian effort in EOSC-Nordic project and prospects for scientific service providers"

14.15-14.50 Kees den Heijer, Data Steward of The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft, "Data Stewardship: multi-level support"

14.50-15.25 Esther Plomp, , Data Steward of The Faculty of Applied Sciences, TU Delft, "Data Champions: leading the way to proper research data management"

15.25-15.40 Coffee Break

15.40-16.00 Kaur Alasoo, Research Fellow of Bioinformatics, University of Tartu, "Challenges of working with controlled access datasets in human genetics"

16.00-16.40 Tomi Kauppinen, Docent of mediatech at Aalto University, "Visualising the data universe"

16.40-17.00 Discussion

10th of April

09.00-12.00 Workshop, Kees den Heijer, "Discipline specific protocol: rate your reproducibility"

13.00-16.00 Workshop, Esther Plomp, "Electronic Lab Notebooks: turning a new page in laboratory search"

Watch it again:

Speakers' BIOs:

Esther Plomp is the Data Steward of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at TU Delft since December 2018. Her PhD research (at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) focussed on the chemical composition of modern and archaeological human teeth. As a Data Steward she is supporting researchers with their data management, and answers questions regarding Data Management Plans and Paragraphs, data storage solutions, FAIR principles, personal data and data repositories. Within research data management practises she is particularly interested in Electronic Lab Notebooks and Open Scholarship developments.”

Kees den Heijer is Data Steward at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of TU Delft since August 2017. Kees has a PhD in Coastal Engineering on the topic of coastal dune erosion and the safety against flooding. He has more than 10 years of experience in numerical modelling, data collection, data/software engineering and data management. As a Data Steward he gives advice and support to researchers on any data related matter. Kees has particular expertise in version control and reproducibility of research results."

Tomi Kauppinen is Project Lead of Aalto Online Learning at Aalto University. He has endorsed and studied Linked and Semantic Science where both data and methods visualizing/analysing data are made public and represented in a reusable way. Tomi holds a Title of Docent (2014) and Ph.D. (2010) in Media Technology in Aalto University. He is Privatdozent in geosciences (since 2015) and holds a venia legendi, i.e. habilitation (2014) from University of Münster. His passion is to create information visualisations, and cognitive and ubiquitous systems to help us to understand, learn and act in the world."

On the 1st of January, 2021 Horizon Europe programme will start, which is proposed as the most ambitious research and innovation funding programme ever. Open Science will become the modus operandi of Horizon Europe. It will go beyond the open access policy of Horizon 2020 and require open access to publications, data, and to research data management plans.

Discussions and steps we are starting today will help us all swim better in the seas of global Open Research and Innovation.

Event is OpenAIRE National seminar held in cooperation with DataCite Estonia.

Organisers and supporters:

Tartu Ülikool, DataCite, OpenAIRE

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