International seminar "Open research Data"

Gabriela Urm

Target groups:

The target group was researchers, doctoral students, data managers and research administrative staff who were supposed to preserve and open up their research data.

Programme and presentations:

Presentations are available at University of Tartu Digital Arhive on DSpace.

10:15 Welcome coffee and registration

11:00 Welcome by prof Renno Veinthal Vice-Rector of Research of Tallinn University of Technology

11:10 Keynote speaker Carol Tenopir (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Research Data Services in European University Libraries: Current Offerings and Plans for the Future

11:55 Invited speaker Urban Ericsson (DiVA consortia, Sweden), Publishing Research Data in Repositories: New Output, New Knowledge and New Occupations

12:25 Networking lunch, supported by OpenAIRE Horizon2020

13:05 Vaidas Morkevičius (Institute of Public Policy and Administration, Kaunas UT. Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH), Lithuanian SSH Data Archive: starting DA before FAIR

13:25 Dr Žibutė Petrauskienė (Vilnius University Library), MIDAS – national data archive and its functionality

13:45 Maksim Mišin (University of Tartu Library), Filling Institutional Data Repository. University of Tartu Perspective. DataDOI new user interface

14:05 Aleksei Kelli (University of Tartu), Open Data in Digital Society: Opportunities and Challenges

14:20 Arko Olesk (Tallinn University), A Survey of Open Science Attitudes and Practices among Estonian Scientists

14:35 Coffee and conversation

14:55 Mare Ainsaar (University of Tartu), Open Research Data in Social Sciences: Great principles, but lack of carrots

15:25 Liina Lindström (University of Tartu), What is data in the humanities?

15:55 Rein Murakas (University of Tartu), Use of social science data: experiences and problems

16:15 Liisi Lembinen (University of Tartu Library), OpenAIRE 2020 – Services for Researchers and Funders

16:25 Wrap-up and good-bye

Watch it again:

Organisers and supporters:

Tartu Ülikool, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, DataCite, OpenAIRE, COAR.

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