From Monday, library can have up to 100 visitors at a time

Due to the increasing risk of coronavirus and nationwide restrictions, the library can have up to one hundred visitors at a time from Monday, 1 March. The number of visitors in the building can be seen in real time on the library’s website.

“We are doing everything we can right now to avoid closing the library completely,” said Krista Aru, Director of the UT Library. “Of course, it is essential that only people who are healthy and wear a mask come to the library. I therefore once again urge all our readers to follow that rule.”

Starting from Monday, the number of free places in the library can be seen on the library’s website, next to the opening times. “We provide real-time information on how many more people we can allow into the building,” said Aru. “So we ask everyone to take a look at this number before coming here to get an overview of the current situation.”

The library also closes a public computer classroom. The second computer classroom, where computers can be used with the university’s user account, remains open.

The limit on the number of visitors in the library will remain in force until 28 March. The public computer classroom will also remain closed until that date. Due to the spread of the virus and restrictions imposed by the government, further changes in the organisation of the library may take place in the near future.

Further information:
Herdis Olmaru
Communication Manager, UT Library
737 5749
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