New Service for Students Writing Their Final Theses

Starting from 1 March, the UT Library will provide a new service for students who are writing their final theses. The service is in the form of personal consultations, given by the specialists of the Service Department and the Department of Subject Librarians.

“Spring semester is the time of writing and submitting the final theses and the library wants to assist the students as much as possible in this period,” said Olga Einasto, Head of the Service Department of UT Library. “We help in searching for and requesting literature, and also instruct how to find information quickly from the e-catalogue ESTER, as well as from the databases of scientific articles.” The students of bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral studies are welcome to use the new service.

Personal consultations are offered at the pop-up reading rooms (32 Veski Str.) on Mondays and Thursdays from 12 to 18. The service is available until 30 April. For additional information about the service, call 737 5771.

Additional information:
Olga Einasto
Head of Service Department of UT Library
737 5774
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