Night Library comes again!

Starting from 23 May 2016, the UT Library, in cooperation with the UT Student Body Foundation, will for two weeks on Monday to Thursday be open for three additional hours. The children’s playroom Nimmik-Nummik will also be open during these weeks.

Library hours:

23-26 May 09.00-01.00

30 May-02 June 09.00-01.00

Up to 1AM, students can use the open collections in all subject area reading rooms, group work rooms, book check-out, computer workstations and the great hall on the first floor.

On the first night of the Night Library (23 May), students can again meet with an attentive reading dog. To deal with the exam stress by physical activities, you can play ball games in the Cubey, made for positive emotions and active game-playing.

An information search game is held from 30 May to 2 June, the winner will get a prize.

The UTSBF serves snacks and coffee in the library entrance hall during the late hours. There are some relaxing activities as well, you can get a massage, participate in the Zumba-hour and watch a performance by the improtheatre Ruutu10.

The children’s play room Nimmik-Nummik is open on the first floor, room no. 186. Library staff members and UTSBF members play with children from Monday to Thursday from 17-20. Children from two to seven years of age can play role games, play with toys, climb and slide, draw, listen to fairy-tales and read books. The service is free of charge.


Olga Einasto

UT Library, Services Dept. Head

phone 737 5774


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