Night Library starts on 2 January

For the library, the new will start with the Night Library which lasts for two weeks. During this period the library is open until midnight.

„We really start already on the second day of January,” said the head of the service department of UT Library Olga Einasto. „We know from previous years, that the prepration for the exams starts on the first days of the year. The reading rooms and group work rooms here are ideal for concentration, so we really hope that many students will come to the library to study."

From Monday until Friday the library is open from 9 a.m., on Saturdays and Sundays from 12 p.m. On Mondays and Wednesdays the therapy dogs from the Estonian Association of Assistance and Therapy Dogs will be visiting the libary. "It seems that the Night Libary cannot be without them," admitted Einasto. "Therapy dogs are known and very much awaited, so they will be present in January as well." Dogs will meet the students in the big hall of the second floor at 7 p.m.

The Night Library is organised in cooperation withe the UT Student Council and it lasts until 15 January.


Additional information:
Olga Einasto
Head of the Service Department
737 5774



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