Open Access – Plans and Choices

OA taust
Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu

University of Tartu Library and the Estonian DataCite Consortium will hold an international seminar Open Access – Plans and Choices at the UT Library Conference Hall on the 6th of November. We welcome researchers, doctoral students, funders, research administrators, H2020 project coordinators, librarians and everybody who is interested in these problems to participate and share your ideas and opinions.

The purpose of this event is to continue the discussion between researchers, funders and publishers of research about the latest developments in the Open Access-related regulations and the Plan S initiative, to talk about the accessibility of research information in Estonia and to highlight the best practices in the application of Open Access principles.


Presentations and the recording can be found here.

12:30 Welcome coffee and registration, RDA information desk

13:00-13:10 Opening words by Krista Aru, Director of UT Library

13:10-13:35 Jeroen Bosman (via Skype), Utrecht University Library, "Plan S: compliant routes, context and next steps"

13:35-14:00 Jaak Järv, Estonian Academy of Sciences, "OA: are we trapped or dodged?"

14:00-14:10 Time for Q&A

14:10-14:35 Martin Eessalu, The Ministry of Education and Research, "Open Science framework for Estonia"

14:35-15:00 Ivo Volt, UT Press, Association of European University Presses, "European University Presses and Open Access"

15:00-15:05 Stretching break

15:05-15:30 Ivo Wijnbergen, ORCID, "ORCID & The value of authenticated identities"

15:30-15:45 Allan Zirk, UT Research Group for Biological Informatics, "Integrations in modern biodiversity platform"

Jeroen Bosman (University of Utrecht) will introduce the “Plan S”, the initiative of the European Research Council and research funders, which requires that the providing of immediate and full open access to publications and FAIR data shall be mandatory for all with the effect from 2021.

Ivo Wijnbergen will explain the advantages of the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), a unique and persistent identifier, and the ways of using it for assembling and combining a researcher’s all professional activities: institutions, grants, research projects, publications and research data. Integration of the ORCID with the biodiversity platform PlutoF will be presented together with the team of digital archives of the UT Natural History Museum.

Information about the activities of the RDA (The Research Data Alliance) and about possibilities for involving researchers in the RDA work and interest groups can be found at the seminar registration desk. Starting from this October, the University of Tartu is the national RDA Europe node in Estonia; in order to support the sharing of research data, the library would be happy to advise everybody in the interaction and cooperation of the RDA social and technical networks.

Working language is English. The seminar is free and open to all and supported by OpenAIRE.

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