Open science seminar invites researchers to share their ideas

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On 20 April, the University of Tartu Library and DataCite Estonia will hold an international seminar Open Research Data - the FAIRest Data is the Future of Science at Tallinn Technical University, welcoming all scientists, researchers, postgraduates and other interested people.

The seminar focuses on research data, approaching the topic from technical, political and practical aspects.

“In the digital era, free access to research data should be obvious,” said one of the organisers of the seminar, the UT Library Director of Development Liisi Lembinen. “Publicly accessible research information makes research more effective and faster, contributing to its quality and substantially increasing the visibility and use of research results. At our seminar we wish to share the best practices related to the availability of research data and also offer solutions to possible problems.”

The seminar will provide an overview of research data management (RDM) practices in Estonia and other European countries and introduce several research data centres, as well as offer an overview of the research already done on RDM. In addition, practical tips will be given for RDM within the programme Horizon 2020. Researchers will talk about their RDM-related needs. The keynote speaker, Professor Carol Tenopir from the University of Tennessee, will introduce a survey held in 2015 about the use of research data and why the research data services are needed, and talk about the LIBER 2016 study about research data services in European libraries now and in the future. There will also be guest speakers from Sweden and Lithuania.

The concept of open science denotes free access to the electronic scientific information, particularly to publications and research data created and published as a result of public funding.

The English-language seminar is free of charge. Registration is open until 13 April.

Additional information and registration:

Additional information:
Liisi Lembinen
Director of Development, UT Library
7375 704
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