Prime Minister Jüri Ratas visited the University of Tartu Library on 6 March to get an overview of the renovated building, which was reopened at the end of 2018. The Prime Minister met the director Krista Aru to discuss the role and opportunities of the libraries in the present educational and research situation.
“Among other topics, we talked about the growing trend among research libraries of contributing to the development of the society in the fields of open science and open data,” Krista Aru said. “Widespread availability of research information is one of our priorities, and the agreement upon open science principles and strategy requires strong cooperation between universities and the government. The library has an important role in this process.”
Prime Minister also discussed the issues of digitisation policy and the development of the library as an open cultural environment. After the meeting with Krista Aru, Prime Minister was given a library tour to get an overview of the modernised study environment as well as of the stacks of the Manuscripts and Rare B Department.