Professionals from memory institutions discuss efficient ways of supporting research

UT Library has for already 19 times invited specialists from Estonian memory institutions to meet at the winter seminar in Kääriku. This year, the seminar is titled “Memory Institution – an Efficient Supporter of Research”. On 15 and 16 March, the participants analyse the role of libraries and memory institutions in research activities and discuss the ways of opening their collections and bringing research information quickly and easily to their users.

Topics of the first seminar day included the UT Library experience in managing research data, digitising social sciences archive, developing DataCite Eesti services and storing the personal e-archive of a researcher. Presentations from different museums and archives talked about encouraging of people to use research data. Among other topics were development plans for e-repository and the possibility for state licencing for research databases, complete solutions for interactive e-textbooks and innovative technologies.

More information about the seminar

More information: Liisi Lembinen, UT Library, Acting Director, phone: +372 737 5700, +372 520 9086,

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