RDA Estonia and DataCite Estonia Organise a Seminar for Humanities Researchers

On Wednesday, 30 September a RDA Estonia National Event Opening Minds and Digital Collections: Digital Humanities Seminar will take place in the UT Library. The event will be organized by Estonian RDA Node and DataCite Estonia Consortsium.

The online seminar "Opening Minds and Digital Collections" aims to strengthen the connection between arts and humanities researchers and digital practices, using open resources of cultural heritage (libraries, archives, repositories, etc.) as the main example.

The topics that are discussed in the seminar include what can libraries as service providers offer to arts and humanities researchers, how can libraries and researchers collaborate to follow the FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, reusability) principles throughout the research data management lifecycle and what are some examples of digital infrastructures already developed for the researchers in arts and humanities.

The target audience of the seminar is master’s and doctoral students, staff of academic libraries and scientists, funding agencies and all interested persons.

The event will be start at 13 in Äksi seminar room on the 3rd floor of the UT Library and it is organised online via Zoom.

Program and registration: https://utlib.ut.ee/en/opening-minds-and-digital-collections-digital-hu…

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