Rotalia Foundation Donates 100 000 USD to UT Library

On Friday, 09 November the representatives of the Rotalia Foundation USA gave a cheque on 100 000 US dollars as a gift to the UT Library. The gift was received by Kristjan Vassil, the UT Vice Rector of Research and Liisi Lembinen, the UT Library Acting Director.

The donated sum will be used for purchasing additional technological equipment to expand the list of services offered to the readers.

“During the renovation we acquired several new pieces of equipment but, unfortunately, the budget set us certain limits,” admitted Lembinen. “Thus, we are very grateful to the members of the Rotalia Foundation, as their gift helps us to purchase the equipment which we could not have afford by ourselves but which is sorely needed by our readers.”

The received donation is planned to be used for the purchase of an audio system covering the whole building, and for a computer with different special software (e.g. photo-editing software, SPSS etc.) which students need in their study and research. The most expensive item will be the overhead scanner, enabling to digitise both new and old books and helping to increase the accessibility of the Estonian research and cultural heritage.

The purchased equipment should reach the library by the end of 2019 at the latest, but some items are already in the library. For example, the computer with special software will soon be installed in a 2nd floor group work room, which will from now on bear the name Rotalia.

One of the missions of the Rotalia Foundation (USA) is supporting education and research developments. Every year, 50 grants in the value of 2000 USD each will be given to the students of the public universities. This gift to the UT Library is related with the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia and the 100th jubilee of the Estonian National University in 2019.

Additional information:
Liisi Lembinen
UT Library Acting Director
737 5704
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