Tartu Observatory Gives Its Collection of Older Books to UT Library

On Monday, 12 November Tartu Observatory will give 260 older books that have so far been in its library over to the UT Library.

“Holding conditions in the newly renovated library are definitely better than in our building,” Maret Veldre, the librarian of Tartu Observatory explained the need for rehousing the books. “Some of our books are even now in a bad need of restoration and the UT library has this competence. Also, as the ink won’t remain on the paper forever, manuscripts should be digitised. This work can also be done at the library by specialists.”

The books given to the UT Library were published in 1508-1860. The collection contains many famous works written by foreign astronomers, some of which are really unique in the whole Baltic area. There are also a number of star maps with excellent graphics. Handwritten measurement notes made by the Tartu astronomers in the 19th century, also added to the collection, are very valuable.

“Our library is very grateful to the Observatory for trusting us with the holding of their books and maps of such a historical value,” said Malle Ermel, the Head of the UT Library Manuscripts and Rare Books Department. “We will make sure that our readers can see these books – at the beginning of the next year we will show a selection of the works that arrived from the Observatory in the exhibition room of the Library.”

From the beginning of 2018, Tartu Observatory, located in Tõravere, is a part of the UT Faculty of Science and Technology. Following this, the transfer of the book collections to the UT Library is a continuation of the merging process.

Additional information:
Malle Ermel
Head of the UT Library Manuscripts and Rare Books Department
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