University Library's story now bound in a book

Teos "TÜ raamatukogu 220"
Eliise Selisaar

On Academic Heritage Day, November 18 at 3 p.m., the presentation of Malle Ermel’s book "The University of Tartu Library 220" will take place in the Great Hall on the second floor of the university library. This comprehensive work, spanning over 600 pages, provides a detailed overview of the university library's journey from its early days to the present.

“The idea to compile the history of our library between covers is almost 20 years old,” explained Malle Ermel, adding that several former and current colleagues contributed to this project over time. “Our well-preserved collections and archive materials made assembling this book both challenging and easy,” said Ermel, referring to the abundance and value of the materials.

The book offers an in-depth account of the library's development and its significance for both the university and Estonian cultural life. The author highlights key events that have shaped the library's role as a scientific and educational institution and describes how the library has enriched its collections and navigated through various political regimes. The book provides a thorough overview of the university library's collections, including its principles for acquisition and cataloging, as well as the transition to the digital age and expanded access to collections.

"The library is constantly evolving, and I am pleased that this book was compiled by someone who has personally witnessed and experienced these changes over decades," said library director Jaanika Anderson. "There aren't many institutions with a historian at hand to document their story. We are immensely grateful to Malle Ermel for capturing our library’s history in such depth."

The design of "The University of Tartu Library 220" is by Peeter Paasmäe, and the texts have been edited by Mare Rand and Sirje Nilbe.

After the presentation, the book will be available for purchase at a discount.

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