UT Library continues the cross-library return service

UT Library will continue the service, started in January, which offers the UT users the possibility to return books borrowed from any UT subject library or the main library to any library in the UT Library network.

“Cross-library return service, which was initially planned as a pilot project, became very popular,” admitted the UT Library Director Krista Aru. “Cooperation with the project partners – subject libraries and the UT Administrative Office – was excellent. Although the emergency situation in spring interrupted our pilot project, we had already understood that we must continue with this service – the number of users was really remarkable.”

The cross-library return service allows library users return the books borrowed from subject libraries to the main library and vice versa. When a book is returned, it is immediately removed from the user’s account and sent to the library where it is usually held. Depending on the schedule of the university internal post service, the books can reach their “home library” within two days. When returning the books borrowed from subject libraries to the main library, they must be taken to the service point, they cannot be returned via the book return machine.

“When we launched the service in January, tens of books travelled between the libraries already within the first weeks,” said the head of the UT Library Service Department Olga Einasto. “Feedback from the readers was very positive, as the book return was convenient and quick. Also, the libraries are happy – books are returned within a couple of days and can be loaned again to the next readers.”

Information about the subject libraries is here.

Additional information:
Olga Einasto
Head of the UT Library Service Department
737 5774

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