The unpacking and re-shelving of books in the newly renovated library stacks has already started and the UT Library invites its university staff members and students to volunteer in the cleaning of books.
“We have already started the large-scale work of unpacking thousands of boxes and putting the books back on the bookshelves,” said Martin Hallik, Director of the UT Library. But first, the books must be cleaned from the dust that has accumulated during the renovation period. “The cleaning of hundreds of thousands of books takes a lot of time. As we would like to open our stacks to readers as soon as possible after the reopening of the library, additional help would be very welcome. We came to the idea of inviting people who would like to assist in the opening of our library to come and help clean the books.”
Students, university staff members, as well as the UT alumni who could work for 1.5 hours a day and help us at least on 7 different days are welcome to the work of cleaning. “With a shorter period, we would lose in the efficiency,” said Kristina Virro, Head of the Department of Preservation and Conservation, who is responsible for the organisation of the process. “We dedicate sufficient time to every volunteer to instruct them and thus, it would be good if the person who has passed the short training could help us on several days.”
All necessary equipment, including protective gloves, masks and coats, will be provided by the library. The volunteers must just report their wish to help via the registration form on the library web page and the library will contact them to agree upon the days when they can come to the library.
UT Library is thankful already in advance to all people, who have the time and wish to help us in the work of cleaning.
Link to the registration form: