UT Library invites you to prepare for exams together with friendly reading dogs

Labrador retriever Mona and her handler Maria, golden retriever Arabella and her handler Anette, Newfoundland dog Leero and handler Meeli, and Afghan hound Tentel and Jane will help and support you in studying. All dogs have had a special training and passed necessary exams. Revise and read out your notes to them, and pat and hug them to relieve stress and gain good feelings.

During Night Library, reading dogs listen to you on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18.00 to 20.00. Meet them in the Karja group work room on the 1st floor, either one-on-one or in groups up to 10 people. Register for the meeting at olga.einasto@ut.ee.

Olga Einasto
Head of Services Department
phone 737 5774
e-mail olga.einasto@ut.ee

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