UT Library offers used books for free

From 31 May to 30 June, UT Library will offer used books to everybody for free. Books are on the shelves in the library back entrance lobby (Akadeemia Street entrance).

“The library has tried to find new home for used books in the previous years as well,” said Martin Hallik, the UT Library director. “We did it, as much as possible, last year too, but during the renovation it was complicated – it was impossible to take books to the renovation zone and of course, people were prohibited to walk there. But now we have found a way to extend the area where the books for free taking are placed.”

As weather is warmer now, the staff cloakroom can temporarily be removed and the library decided to use this area for distributing used books.

The books for free taking are on the shelves in the lobby of the Akadeemia Street entrance. “The books will be there until the end of June so that everybody can come whenever it suits them and choose books,” said Hallik. “Our staff members will all the time add books to the shelves so if you cannot find a suitable book the first time, you can always come back a few days later.”

Books can be browsed and taken during the library opening hours – 9-19 on work days and 12-16 on Saturdays.

Additional information:
Kertu Uri
Head of the Department of Collections Development
737 5752
Kristhel Haak
Department of Collections Development, Librarian
737 5754

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