UT Library Publishes Pages from the 100 Years Old Newspaper Postimees

Starting from today, the UT Library will daily upload the digitised version of the newspaper Postimees, which was published on that day 100 years ago. This is a gift from the library for the 100th birthday of the Republic of Estonia.

“I am sure that many people will find it very interesting to read what was written in newspapers 100 years ago,” said Liisi Lembinen, The Director of Development of the UT Library, when introducing the idea of the gift. “As the originals are packed due to the library renovation, we thought that it would be a good idea to publish the digitised version of the Postimees on our web page.” The files will be daily renewed during 2018, provided that the newspaper was published on that day 100 years ago.

Articles in the newspapers of 1918 are printed in Gothic letters and thus, the reading will take slightly more time. “At first, the reading of these texts needs some effort,” said Lembinen, “but soon your eyes get used to the Gothic letters and reading becomes easier.”

To provide as authentic overview of the print media of 100 years ago as possible, the pages of the Postimees chosen for display will contain articles and also all kinds of advertisements of the time.

The pdf-files containing pages of the Postimees of 1918 are available by clicking on the banner on the library web page https://utlib.ut.ee/ The files are taken from the digital archive DIGAR.

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