UT Library returns to usual opening hours

Starting from 25 May, the second hall reading room of the UT Library will again be open from Monday to Friday from 9-21, and on Saturday 12-18. On Sunday, 31 May the library is closed due to the public holiday. The reading room of manuscripts and rare books is open from Monday until Friday 10-19, on Saturday 12-18.

The learning area will be extended to the area in front of the Conference Centre and to the exhibition hall, so that there will be enough space for 200 persons, while following the 2+2 requirement. The third floor reading rooms and the open stacks collection are closed until the beginning of June.

These opening hours will apply until 28 June. The library is closed during public holidays on 22-24 June. From 29 June until the end of August, the library will be open on work days from 12 to 18.

Additional information:
Olga Einasto
Head of UT Library Service Department
737 5774
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