Webinar "Data protection in Research"

Gabriela Urm

During the Open Access Week, we invited researchers, doctoral students, research administrators, librarians, and other interested parties to a webinar „Data protection in Research“. The event took place on 25 October from 13:00 to 14:30 in the Zoom environment.

The webinar featured three presentations, two in Estonian, and one in English. The presentations covered the following topics:

Introduction to the "Data Protection in Research" guide (Marten Juurik, ETAG/UT), information security and its relevance to research (Toomas Lepik, TalTech) and introduction to the anonymization tool Amnesia (Manolis Terrovitis, OpenAIRE – starting at 14:00 in English).

The slides and recording of the event can be found HERE.

The event was organized by DataCite Estonia, OpenAIRE Estonian NOAD and RDA Estonia.

OA Week 2023
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