1. Get familiar with the current situation
University of Tartu Library is closed until 4 October, but you can borrow materials from the reading room collections. Find information about library services during the renovation on the library web page www.utlib.ut.ee or in social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
2. Register as a library user
You can register as a library user in the University Main Building on Mon–Fri 9–17 from 25.08 to 15.09.2016.
3. Borrow and return books via the Akadeemia Street library entrance
Request books from the e-catalogue ESTER. Pick the requested books up in the library the next week day 9–19 via the Akadeemia Street entrance. Requested books are held for you for three week days.
Return books to the Returns locker at the Akadeemia Street entrance.
4. Renew the due dates
To renew the due dates of your borrowed materials either use My ESTER, send a letter to laenutus@utlib.ee or call 737 5772. Fines can be paid by bank transfer.
5. Find your subject librarian
Subject librarians help you to find information on your subject field. User tutorials are held at university institutes, schedules can be seen on the library web page. Send your questions about subject information to paring@utlib.ee or call 737 5729 on Mon–Fri 9–17.
6. Use e-services and the ILL
Use our digital collections and databases accessible for the University of Tartu. A digital copy of a book can be requested.
Books and copies of articles can be requested from other Estonian and foreign libraries via Interlibrary Loans Service (ILL).
7. Ask questions and talk to us
To ask questions about the library and its services, chat with us over the library web page on Mon–Fri 9–17, write to laenutus@utlib.ee , or call 737 5772.
We will answer questions sent by e-mail at the earliest possibility.
You can also find help at the subject library of your institute.