Library Materials User Guide

Use the e-catalogue ESTER and loose-leaf catalogues to find library materials. The e-catalogue ESTER gives you the location, call number and loan period of library materials.

Registered library users can borrow materials based on a valid ID-card or library card. You can have up to 50 items checked out at the same time.

Library materials are located in the open collections and stacks with different access and conditions of use. The open collections include both the open stacks on the first floor of the library and bookshelves in the subject area reading rooms on the third floor:

To locate books on the open shelves, use the call number found in the e-catalogue ESTER. Find help in the collections guide or ask a librarian. To borrow books, pick them up from the shelves and check them out with the self-checker or at the service points on the second or third floor.

Books from the open stacks can be borrowed for 30 days. Books located in subject area reading rooms can be borrowed for:

  • 30 days (yellow marking on the back cover),
  • 60 days (blue marking on the back cover),
  • 14 days (no marking);
  • books with red markings can be used only in the library.

Journals and magazines of the open collection can be used only in the library, the only exception being the journal Akadeemia.

Periodicals, dissertations, books published before 1945, geographical maps, manuscripts, photos, works of art and other rare publications are located in closed stacks accessed only by librarians.

Materials from closed stacks can be requested with call slips or via the e-catalogue ESTER. Select the second or third floor service points as the pick-up points. Materials published before 1917, materials from the Estica and memorial collections, geographical maps, and legal deposit copies of Estonian publications can be requested only for use in the Rariora reading room.

Requests from the closed stacks are fulfilled within one hour on Mon-Fri from 10-18, and on Saturday from 12-18. Requests placed on Sunday are fulfilled on Monday. Materials requested for in-library use are held for the user at the second and third floor service points for two weeks; the due date can be renewed. Materials requested for using in the Rariora reading room are held there for a month, the due date can be renewed for another month. After the expiry of the due date, the materials are returned to the stacks.

These materials cannot be borrowed:

  • materials published before 1945 (incl.),
  • legal deposit copies of Estonian publications,
  • rare books,
  • geographical maps,
  • manuscripts, photos, works of art,
  • microfilms and microcards,
  • cassettes, diskettes, DVDs,
  • materials of large formats,
  • materials requested via ILL (Interlibrary Loans Service),
  • materials included in the memorial collections.

NB! If a digital copy has been made of the materials, the library has the right to refuse to loan the original copy.

Materials from the collections of rare books, manuscripts and art and photo collections can be used only in the library. These materials can be requested with call slips or via the e-catalogue ESTER, selecting the Rariora reading room as the pick-up point. Requests are fulfilled within three hours on Mon-Fri from 10-16 (the call slip has to be handed in at least 30 minutes prior). Requests placed during the weekend are fulfilled on Monday.

Materials on the open shelves of the Rariora reading room can be used only in this reading room.

Newspapers and journals in the media reading room are only for in-library use. Older newspapers can be requested with a call slip and picked up at the second floor service point.

Materials from the Music Room can be borrowed for 14 days (CDs ja LPs) and 30 days (music literature, printed music). Journals and video recordings have red markings and are only for in-library use.

If the library does not have the materials you need, you can use the Inter Library Loans (ILL) service. Find more information on the library web page.

You can place a hold on materials borrowed by somebody else. When the materials are returned, you will be informed about it by e-mail or phone. The materials can be picked up from the Smart Locker in the first floor lobby, where they are held for 3 working days starting from the day you were informed.

Due dates can be renewed (up to ten times):

  • using the My ESTER division in the e-catalogue,
  • by phone (737 5702, 737 5771),
  • by e-mail (

Due dates cannot be renewed, and you cannot borrow new materials if:

  • a hold has been placed on your borrowed materials,
  • you owe two or more euros in fines.

The fine for overdue materials is:

  • loan period of 30, 60 and 14 days – 0.10 euros per item for each overdue day.

Fines can be paid with a bank card at the library information point or by bank transfer.

NB! Starting from a debt of two euros, your borrowing and renewing privileges are blocked in the library information system.

By using the My ESTER division in the e-catalogue, you can see your library account (your borrowed books, due dates, reservations, and possible fines), renew the due dates of your borrowed materials and request materials from the stacks. To use My ESTER, you need to log in.

Faculty members can borrow materials needed for teaching and research for six months; the due date can be renewed.

Materials bought for research-related grants or target financing are loaned to persons related to the grant/research until the completion of the grant/research.

Borrowed materials can be returned 24/7 using the return machine, at library service points or using the return box in the library lobby during library hours.

The UT Library network has a cross-return system, where the borrowed materials can be returned to the main library or to any subject library.

Damaged or lost library materials have to be replaced with the same title, or if it is not possible, compensated as determined by the library (adding the processing fee).

It is not advisable to leave the library materials you have borrowed unattended.

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