UT Library is closed until the end of the emergency situation

UT Library will remain closed until the end of the emergency situation in Estonia. Starting from 4 May, library users can enter the lobby to pick up their requested books and to return books from Monday to Friday 12-18.

You can request books via the online catalogue ESTER. The requested books can be picked up from the Smart Lockers in the first floor lobby of the library. The service is contact-free. Detailed information how to request and borrow books in the emergency situation can be found in the instructions how to request.

Books can be returned to the book return locker, located in the lobby, from Monday to Friday. The fine-free period will last up to 1 June.

Library users can access all the subscribed databases. To facilitate studying in the emergency situation, several publishers have granted free access to their databases – the list is available here.

All e-courses will proceed as usual, information inquiries will be answered and, in case of the need and if possible, the digitising service will be offered. Books can be purchased from the library's e-bookshop, and the virtual exhibition of new arrivals is updated.

If you have any questions, call 737 5702 or 737 5772 from Monday to Friday 9–18, or write to laenutus@utlib.ee; paring@utlib.ee; library@utlib.ee .

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