Exhibition "Uneversum" helps uncover the secrets of sleep

Näitus "Uneversum"
Foto "Uneversumi" näituselt tervisemuuseumis.
Aleksandr Gužov

On Thursday, 6 February, the university library's exhibition hall will open the Health Museum's exhibition "Uneversum". Created in collaboration with sleep doctors and specialists, the exhibition provides visitors with insights into how people sleep, what happens in our bodies during sleep, and tips for improving sleep quality.

The goal of the Health Museum’s sleep exhibition is to highlight the importance of sleep as a reliever of physical, mental, and emotional stress and a restorer of performance. The exhibition covers a wide range of topics, including the history of sleep, sleep physiology, the roles of the biological clock and sleep pressure, factors affecting sleep, sleep architecture, sleep disorders, and their treatment methods.

In addition to the exhibition, the library will offer educational programs for people of all ages to help them understand the value of sleep and why it is essential. Last year, "Uneversum" was highly popular among school groups at the Health Museum. "This was one of the key reasons we decided to bring the exhibition closer to children in Southern Estonia," said Lilian Mengel, Head of the Cultural Environment Department at the UT Library. "However, our programs are also suitable for adults, as awareness of sleep hygiene is still not widespread in society. The exhibition, along with its interactive training, will certainly help raise awareness."

The Health Museum’s open exhibition combines two aspects:

  • Informative panels featuring both historical facts and the latest scientific research on why we sleep, how we sleep, and what happens in our bodies during sleep.
  • Interactive exhibits offering practical tips on how individuals can improve their sleep quality and thereby lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.

The curator of "Uneversum" is Ülle Kask, with design and layout by Dada AD.

The "Uneversum" exhibition will be open at the library until the end of November. For information about educational programs and bookings, please contact kadi.prii@ut.ee.

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