Library is closed on 8 and 9 February

Vaade raamatukogu esisele
Lilian Mengel

Due to potential technical issues that may arise during the disconnection of Estonia and other countries from the Russian electricity grid, the library will be closed on Saturday and Sunday, 8 and 9 February. On these days, books can be returned to the return box located at the library's back entrance between 9 AM and 9 PM.

"We are closing the library for two days for safety reasons," explained Jaanika Anderson, Director of the University of Tartu Library. "Of course, we hope that there will be no disruptions, but nevertheless, we will turn off a large part of our building’s equipment on the days when the electrical system is switched to a different frequency range to prevent unexpected power outages from damaging them."

The library apologizes to all readers who will not be able to access the building over the weekend and hopes for their understanding.

The book return machine next to the library’s main entrance will also be out of service for these two days. Books can be returned to the return box located near the library's entrance on Akadeemia Street.

The goal of disconnecting from the Russian electricity grid is to ensure Estonia's independence from the Russian energy system and to enhance our energy security.

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